
Daily View

Designed just to see the important things. Plan 5 days of in-depth workouts and store them in a calendar.

- Daily View: Anything planned in the Calendar will populate here upon refresh. Create workouts here and copy them to the Calendar. Ability to save workouts, save any important notes, and save any complexes built

- Calendar: Plan important information throughout the year: intensity, focus, sub focus, meet, location, etc

Generator & Time Chart

Designed for quick numbers. Promptly create workouts and analyze time splits.

- Workout Generator: Generate a workout from multiple inputs

- Time Chart: See time splits up to 400m and from 10yd to 100yd, and speed percentages from a given time and distance

Workout Schedule

Designed just for planning. Plan and track zone mileage for 20 weeks of workouts.

- Workout Schedule: Plan out 20 weeks of workouts and track exact zone mileage used

- Zone Percent: Accurately plan out zone mileage by week and track zone ratios used



